Growing up in Florida you think I would have loved orange juice. However, as a kid, I couldn’t stand orange juice and avoided anything orange-flavored. I remember a family trip to the Dominican Republic where I was ‘forced’ to drink fresh-squeezed orange juice, and, of course, I made a big fuss. Luckily our taste buds change (every 10-14 days in fact) and I am no longer my 10 year old self.
Oranges, tangerines, mandarins, grapefruit, pomelo – all these wonderful winter fruits are ‘in season for a reason.’ At various times of the year our bodies have different requirements and citrus with their juicy vitamin C are meant to help us through this dark, cold time and prevent illness.
The combination is incredible, this tastes and looks like jeweled candy. As this juice comes out of the juicer it creates a beautiful ombre effect, like a sunrise, hence it’s name. (I forgot to capture this…blogger fail). You’ll just have to try it!
- 3 large pink grapefruits
- 4 honey tangerines
- 6 blood oranges
- Remove the skin from your fruit, the rind will add a bitter flavor.
- Just away! I use a Hurom slow juicer, but any will do. I like to go from lightest to darkest fruit to watch the ombre 'sunrise' effect as you juice. Alternatively, hand-squeeze then strain for seeds.

Have you ever made your own juice at home? What kind of juicer do you use?
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